What Conditions Can Be Treated by the Service?

If you are experiencing:

Red eye or eyelids

Dry, gritty or uncomfortable eyes

Eye irritation and inflammation

A lot of recent discharge from the eye or watery eye

Recently occurring flashes or floaters

Painful eye

Ingrowing lashes

Recent and sudden loss of vision

Foreign body in the eye 

You can arrange an appointment with an optometrist through the Minor Eye Conditions service.


Who Is The Service For?

The service is for people of all ages. Children under 16 years must be accompanied at their appointment by an adult. You do not need a GP referral to use this service.


This service is available in many parts of England. Search our directory to find out whether the service is available in your area by entering the postcode for your GP practice.


The nearest service is available at:

Premier Vision Thornbury, Tel: 01274 660099

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